Sousa Elementary School FAQ

Q: What is the start and end time of the academic day?
  • The academic school day is from 8:45am to 2:50pm.  
  • Arrival begins no earlier than 8:15 am at the playground entrance.  
  • Dismissal is from 2:55 pm - 3:15 pm.
Q: What are the arrival and dismissal procedures?
A: Click here for arrival and dismissal procedures

Q: Who do I contact about bus issues? 
  • For transportation related issues call 516-767-5680
  • For bus related discipline issues, contact the Sousa main office
  • Click here for the transportation webpage
Q: Who do I contact if my child will be late or absent? 
  • Call the attendance line at 516-767-5355 no later than 9:00 am.
  • Leave a message with the reason for the lateness or absence.

Q: Who do I contact if I need to pick up my child early from school? 

Q: How does my child notify me if they forget an item they need at home?
How do I drop off an item that my child forgot? 
  • When a child forgets an item, they may call their parent from the main office. 
  • If the parent is able to bring the forgotten item to school, the parent will label and leave the item in the main entrance vestibule for delivery to your child. 
Q: Where is the lost and found located?
  • The lost and found is located in the cafeteria.

Q:  Where is the visitor's entrance?
  • Visitor’s should park in the playground parking lot and walk to the main entrance of the school.
  • Visitor’s must present a Valid photo ID for entry into the building.

Q: Who do I call if my child is having difficulty with another student? 
Depending on the severity of the incident, the following chain of command should be followed:
  • The classroom or special area teacher should be the first point of contact for all situations that are not physical in nature and occurred in the classroom, special area classroom or during lunch/ recess. 
  • The classroom teacher and the assistant principal should be the first point of contact for all situations which occur on the bus
  • The principal should be contacted for any situation which is physical in nature
  • The school counselor and principal should be notified immediately for any situation which is felt to be in violation of the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
Q: Who do I call if I have an academic concern about my child? 
  • Academic concerns should be addressed with the teacher where the concern is occurring. This may be the classroom teacher, special area teacher, or support service teacher.
Q: How do I set up a meeting with my child’s teacher(s)?

Q: What student and family support services are offered?
  • Dr. Koo, School Psychologist
  • Dr. Maria Tuccillo, Psychologist
  • Mrs. Podell, School Counselor
Q: How do I access the school calendar of events? 
Q: How do I access the district calendar of events?

Q: What clubs/ activities are offered to students?
  • Homework Club
  • Let Play Grow Club
  • Math Olympiad
  • Chess Club (Grant Funded)
  • Robotics Club (Grant Funded)
  • Scrabble Club (Grant Funded)

Q: How do I prepay for meals and find menus?
  • Click here for myschoolbucks.com on the Food Service website. Scroll to bottom and follow directions “Get Started Today.” 
  • Click here for lunch Menu at Sousa
  • Click here for the Free & Reduced Lunch Information & Forms
Q: Who do I contact if my child is having trouble with their district issued iPad/ chromebook? 
  • Contact your child's teacher

Q: Where do I get my login information for Synergy (Parent/ Student Portal)?

Q: How do I change contact information?
  • Click here for Central Registration Forms to change your ADDRESS
Contact the Sousa Main Office at 516-767-5350 to change your EMAIL or PHONE NUMBER
Q: What is the district's grading and homework policy?
A: To view the district's Grading and Homework policies, please click below: